How To Fix Holes In Hockey Socks

Over the life of a hockey sock, there are many different ways that holes can be torn into them. If you go too long without patching up these holes, they will just get bigger and bigger eventually past the point of repair. Although hockey socks are not the most expensive piece of gear, you will want to make the most of each pair.

You can repair holes in your hockey socks by using a needle and dental floss to sew them shut. Dental floss is better to use than sewing thread because of its strength.

Holes in Hockey Socks

In this article, we will go over how to sew up the holes in your hockey socks and make them last a few more seasons. Fixing the holes won’t return them to new, but it can help them get through several more games and hold your shin guards up like they’re supposed to.

To fix the holes in your hockey socks, you should use sewing materials and patches to make sure that they will hold.

If you’re going to try to repair the holes in your hockey socks you’re going to need several different tools to help you. 

What to use to fix the holes in Hockey socks

You’re really only going to need a couple of things to close up the holes in your hockey socks:

  • Sewing needle
  • Dental floss
  • Your damaged socks
Hocey sock, dental floss, and needle

For this project, you should use dental floss because it tends to last longer than sewing thread because it is much stronger. I am not too picky about how the sewing job looks, so I personally don’t mind seeing a bit of the dental floss. I just take 5 minutes to patch up the holes in my socks every now and then to make them last.

If you would like to use regular sewing thread or that is all you have, it will work. Just make sure that you go back over your work a second time so the stitching will not reopen.

Make sure that you get a sewing needle with a hole big enough to fit your dental floss. 

Steps to fix the holes in your hockey socks

After you do this method once or twice, it should only take you 5 minutes or so to repair each hole in your sock. You can do this while watching TV at home or throw a needle and floss in your bag so you can do it in the locker room. Here is how you should sew up the holes in your hockey socks.

Hockey Sock with needle and thread

Step 1: Pull out a 5-6 foot length of dental floss and thread one end through the eye of the needle. Position the needle to where it is in the center of the floss.

Step 2: Make sure your hockey sock is inside out and find the hole that you will be stitching closed. Start by putting the needle through the fabric on each side of the hole and pull the floss 3/4 of the way through.

Step 3: grab the needle and tie off the end of the floss with several overhand knots to prevent it from pulling free once you start to sew.

Step 4: Stitch up the hole by moving up a centimeter or so after every pass through until the hole is closed. Tie off the other end of the thread by passing the needle through a loop before pulling it tight 


If you want to make your hockey socks last a little longer, this can be a quick method to closing up the holes that appear in them. The dental floss should be strong enough to last several more games.